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Numéro du set Nom
67638pb02 67638pb02 Lower Body Centaur with Dark Brown Tail Pattern
67644pb01 67644pb01 Lower Body, Rounded, Short Legs with Blue Overalls and Black Shoes Pattern
67644pb02 67644pb02 Lower Body, Rounded, Short Legs with Bright Light Orange Shoes and Shorts with Black Stripes Pattern
67644pb03 67644pb03 Lower Body, Rounded, Short Legs with Bright Light Blue Pants with White Stripes and White Shoes Pattern
67644pb04 67644pb04 Lower Body, Rounded, Short Legs with Dark Blue Jacket, Gold Buttons, Shirt, Tie and Black Shoes Pattern
67648pb01 67648pb01 Lower Body, Rounded, Extra Wide, Short Legs with Blue Overalls, Black Shoes and Open Mouth With Grin Pattern
67648pb02 67648pb02 Lower Body, Rounded, Extra Wide, Short Legs with Blue Overalls, Black Shoes and Surprised Mouth Pattern
67906 67906 Arm with Technic Pin
67906c01 67906c01 Arm with Technic Pin with Black Hand
67906c02 67906c02 Arm with Technic Pin with White Hand
67906pb01 67906pb01 Arm with Technic Pin with Black Stripe Pattern
67906pb01c01 67906pb01c01 Arm with Technic Pin with Black Stripe Pattern with Black Hand
67931pb01 67931pb01 Shell with Spikes, 4 Studs Inside and Hole with Red Pattern
67931pb02 67931pb02 Shell with Spikes, 4 Studs Inside and Hole with Green Pattern
67931pb03 67931pb03 Shell with Spikes, 4 Studs Inside and Hole with Dark Azure Pattern
69728pb01 69728pb01 Hand Gorilla Fist with Marbled Trans-Orange Flames Pattern (fits Minifigure Hand)
73715pb01 73715pb01 Shell with 2 Bar Hollows, 4 Studs Inside and Hole with Red Pattern
77237pb01 77237pb01 Body Giant, Thanos without Head, Gold Armor Pattern
8777387774 8777387774 Arm, (Matching Left and Right) Pair Long
8777387774pb01 8777387774pb01 Arm, (Matching Left and Right) Pair Long with Dark Tan Dirt Stains Type 1 Pattern
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