Liste des pièces

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Numéro du set Nom
pillow02 pillow02 Belville Cloth Pillow 4 x 4 with Border of Diagonally Embossed Squares
pillow05 pillow05 Belville Cloth Pillow 4 x 5 Flower with Dark Pink on Reverse
pouch02 pouch02 Belville Cloth Pouch, Adult with white lace and pink rose Pattern
pouch03 pouch03 Belville Cloth Pouch, Child with Dots Pattern
pouch04 pouch04 Belville Cloth Pouch, Fairyland Ellipse
pouch05 pouch05 Belville Cloth Pouch, Adult with Dots Pattern
pouch06 pouch06 Belville Cloth Pouch, Baby with green and pink Floral Bow
pouch07 pouch07 Belville Cloth Pouch, Child
Pouch08 Pouch08 Belville Cloth Pouch, Adult with No Pattern
pouch09 pouch09 Belville Cloth Pouch, Child with Heart Wreath, Roses and Crown Pattern
pouch10 pouch10 Belville Cloth Pouch, Leaf with Contrast Stitching
pouch11 pouch11 Belville Cloth Pouch, Child, Lace Trim
pouch12 pouch12 Belville Cloth Pouch, Baby, Plain Terry Cloth
skirt01 skirt01 Belville, Clothes Skirt Short, Sheer
towel towel Belville Cloth Towel 5 x 14, edged
Towel2 Towel2 Belville Cloth Towel 6 x 14
x120b x120b Belville Shovel
x1438px1 x1438px1 Belville Cloth Playmat 49cm x 49cm with Stream Pattern (#5834)
x1476px1 x1476px1 Belville, Clothes Shawl Fur Trimmed with Snowflake Pattern
x1488px1 x1488px1 Belville Cloth Mattress 6 x 14, Blue Stripe Pattern
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