List des sets

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Numéro du set Nom Année Фигурок Nbr de pièces Prix
231 LEGO 231 Hospital

Building Set with People
1978 0   379    
198 LEGO 198 Cowboys

Building Set with People
1977 0   41    
277 LEGO 277 Fireplace

Building Set with People
1977 0   82    
196 LEGO 196 Antique Car

Building Set with People->
1974 0   115    
269 LEGO 269 Kitchen

Building Set with People
1979 1   212    
211 LEGO 211 Mother and baby with dog

Building Set with People
1976 0   46    
218 LEGO 218 Firemen

Building Set with People->
1977 0   274    
255 LEGO 255 Family scene

Building Set with People
1975 0   2    
217 LEGO 217 Service Station

Building Set with People
1977 0   228    
276 LEGO 276 Nurse and Child

Building Set with People
1977 0   90    
265 LEGO 265 Bathroom

Building Set with People
1974 0   147    
199 LEGO 199 Scooter

Building Set with People
1977 0   45    
213 LEGO 213 Airplane ride

Building Set with People
1977 0   48    
296 LEGO 296 Ladies' Hairdressers

Building Set with People
1977 0   160    
197 LEGO 197 Farm Set

Building Set with People
1976 2   120    
256 LEGO 256 Police Officers and Motorcycle

Building Set with People
1976 0   86    
230 LEGO 230 Hairdressing Salon

Building Set with People
1978 0   215    
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