List des sets

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Numéro du set Nom Année Фигурок Nbr de pièces Prix
561704 LEGO 561704 Turtle on a Beach

Friends-> Magazine gift
2017 0   25    
561705 LEGO 561705 Wardrobe of Future Star

Friends-> Magazine gift
2017 0   24    
561706 LEGO 561706 Home Bakery

Friends-> Magazine gift
2017 0   29    
561801 LEGO 561801 Wishing Well with Andrea's Little Bird

Friends-> Magazine gift
2017 0   0    
853671 LEGO 853671 Playmat and accessory set

2017 0   95   24.99$ 
5004920 LEGO 5004920 Ski Pod

Friends-> Snow Resort
2017 1   21    
5005409 LEGO 5005409 Friends Summer Fun Kit

Friends-> Virtual Product Collection
2017 0   0    
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