List des sets

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Numéro du set Nom Année Фигурок Nbr de pièces Prix
9266 LEGO 9266 Groundplates

Educational & Dacta-> Supplemental
1992 0   6    
9452 LEGO 9452 Giant Lego Topic Set

Educational & Dacta-> Universal Building Set
1992 12   2153    
9454 LEGO 9454 Function Set

Educational & Dacta-> Universal Building Set
1992 0   350   43.00$ 
9475 LEGO 9475 Ideas for Action Junior Project Works

Technic-> Supplemental
1992 0   13    
9502 LEGO 9502 Infant Maths Sets - Measurements

Duplo-> Learning
1992 16   228    
9503 LEGO 9503 Infant Maths - Shape and Space

Duplo-> Learning
1992 0   264    
9504 LEGO 9504 Duplo Numbers 80 numbers, 40 symbols, 4 baseplates in a solid storage bin

Duplo-> Learning
1992 0   124    
9510 LEGO 9510 Infant Maths Activity Centre

Duplo-> Learning
1992 0   66    
9550 LEGO 9550 Lego Dacta Typesetter's Shop

Educational & Dacta-> Learning
1992 0   380    
9603 LEGO 9603 TECHNIC I Activity Centre (Cards)

Technic-> Supplemental
1992 0   110    
9604 LEGO 9604 LEGO Technic and Pneumatic elements

Dacta-> Technic
1992 0   124   36.95$ 
9606 LEGO 9606 LEGO TECHNIC Pneumatic Activity pack

Technic-> Supplemental
1992 0   19    
9700 LEGO 9700 Technic Control Center

1992 4   478    
9851 LEGO 9851 Assortment of Connectors

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   453    
9852 LEGO 9852 Chain Link Pack

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   129   18.00$ 
9853 LEGO 9853 Assortment of Gears

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   122    
9854 LEGO 9854 Worm Gear Pack

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   22   7.25$ 
9855 LEGO 9855 Assortment of Tires/Wheels

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   56    
9856 LEGO 9856 Assortment of Cross Axles

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs-> Technic
1992 0   124    
9857 LEGO 9857 Red and Black Plates

Educational & Dacta-> Service Packs
1992 0   170    
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