List des sets

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Numéro du set Nom Année Фигурок Nbr de pièces Prix
3204 LEGO 3204 Auntie Jane and Cousin Sophie

1998 2   27    
3205 LEGO 3205 Julie's Picnic Lunch

1998 1   26    
3206 LEGO 3206 Ashley's Snack Time

1998 1   18    
3210 LEGO 3210 Party Dress and Accessories

1998 0   22    
3211 LEGO 3211 Girls' Dress and Accessories

1998 0   21    
3220 LEGO 3220 My Dad

1998 1   20    
3225 LEGO 3225 Classic Train

Train-> 9V
1998 3   281   66.00$ 
3226 LEGO 3226 Cars & Planes Set

1998 5   300    
3234 LEGO 3234 SAS Promotional Set

1998 1   27    
3244 LEGO 3244 Boutique

1998 0   0    
3245 LEGO 3245 Ice Cream Parlour

1998 0   0    
3260 LEGO 3260 Swimming Pool

1998 0   0    
3302 LEGO 3302 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Soccer Field

Sports-> Soccer
1998 0   2    
3303 LEGO 3303 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Field Accessories

Sports-> Soccer
1998 3   49    
3304 LEGO 3304 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Dutch National Player

Sports-> Soccer
1998 1   3    
3305 LEGO 3305 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: World Team Player

Sports-> Soccer
1998 1   3    
3306 LEGO 3306 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Soccer Goalies

Sports-> Soccer
1998 2   6    
3308 LEGO 3308 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Tribune

Sports-> Soccer
1998 3   82    
3309 LEGO 3309 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Head Tribune

Sports-> Soccer
1998 3   92    
3310 LEGO 3310 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Commentator and Press Box

Sports-> Soccer
1998 2   91    
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