List des sets


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Numéro du set Nom Année Фигурок Nbr de pièces Prix
75401 LEGO 75401 Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2025 3   290   44.99$ 
75402 LEGO 75402 ARC-170 Starfighter

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2025 4   497   69.99$ 
75345 LEGO 75345 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2023 4   119   19.99$ 
75354 LEGO 75354 Coruscant Guard Gunship

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2023 5   1083   139.99$ 
75359 LEGO 75359 332nd Ahsoka's Clone Trooper Battle Pack

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2023 4   108   19.99$ 
75310 LEGO 75310 Duel on Mandalore

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2021 2   147   19.99$ 
75316 LEGO 75316 Mandalorian Starfighter

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2021 3   544   59.99$ 
75283 LEGO 75283 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2020 4   286   39.99$ 
75199 LEGO 75199 General Grievous' Combat Speeder

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2018 2   157   29.99$ 
75214 LEGO 75214 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2018 2   247   19.99$ 
75168 LEGO 75168 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2017 2   262   24.99$ 
75087 LEGO 75087 Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter's

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2015 3   370   49.99 €
75045 LEGO 75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2014 4   434   49.99 €
75046 LEGO 75046 Coruscant Police Gunship

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2014 4   481   59.99 €
30241 LEGO 30241 Mandalorian Fighter

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 0   49   4.99$ 
30243 LEGO 30243 Umbaran MHC

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 0   49    
75002 LEGO 75002 AT-RT

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 4   222   27.99 €
75004 LEGO 75004 Z-95 Headhunter
(Z-95 Headhunter™)

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 3   373   56.99 €
75012 LEGO 75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar
(BARC Speeder™ avec Sidecar)

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 4   226   30.99 €
75013 LEGO 75013 Umbaran MHC (Mobile Heavy Cannon)
(Umbarran MHC™ (Mobile Heavy Cannon))

Star Wars-> The Clone Wars
2013 4   493   59.99 €
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